WS/FCS no longer purchases Smart products and hasn't for several years. We no longer maintain a license to support and provide Smart Notebook Tools. The last known licensed and supported version of Smart Notebook we supported was version 11 which was released in 2012.
Smart Notebook version 24 is what is supported on Windows 11 and requires additional 3rd party tools (such as .Net Framwork 4.8) for installation and use. WS/FCS does not maintain a license for version 24 and does not support the 3rd party additional tools required for Smart product use.
We understand and value teachers' time spent developing and using Smart Notebook projects with class instruction and we want this work to continue. We do provide and support Promethean products with our classroom interactive displays and inherently provide and support Promethean software such as ActivInspire.
This self-help guide provides information and instructions for converting Smart Notebooks files to Activ flipcharts.

File Conversion
1) Once ActivInspire is opened and running, click on the 'File' menu.
2) Click 'Import'.
3) Select 'Smart Notebook v8, v9, v9.5, v10'
4) In the File Open dialog box, select your Smart Notebook file and click 'Open'.

Import Verification and Review
Once your file is imported your first slide will show in the display.
You will need to check and verify the file import.
Individual slide thumbnails will display on the right hand side with a vertical scroll to view more slides in the file.
The total number of slides will display in the upper right hand corner of the application.
Step through all your slides. You may have to edit some slides as the import process may overlap images or text boxes on your slides.

Completing The Conversion
Complete the conversion by saving the imported file as an ActivInspire flipchart file. This will keep your original Smart notebook file in the original file format while creating a new copy in flipchart format. Going forward you will use the new flipchart file.
5) Click the 'File' menu.
6) Click 'Save as'.
7) Type a new name of your file (OPTIONAL) and make sure it is saving in FlipChart format. Click 'Save'.