
Google Takeout is a Google application that allows you to transfer/migrate data between accounts. This can be used to transfer data to personal account in preparation for employee offboarding from WS/FCS. This self-help guide will walk you through transferring Google data to your personal account.

Access Google Takeout for WS/FCS

Sign into Google using your WS/FCS business account.

Then navigate your browser to Google Takeout (

1) Enter your personal email address into the destination account box. If you don't have a personal Gmail account you have the option to create one from this screen.

2) Click 'Send Code'.

Retrieve Code

You will notice the Takeout page is requesting a confirmation code. This code can be found by checking your personal account Gmail.

In a separate (incognito) tab, sign into your personal Google (Gmail) account. Check your email and locate an email with the subject line "Verify Your Account".

3) Click the 'Get Confirmation Code' button.

Confirm Code

A new page will open and display your confirmation code. You will need to copy and paste this code into the verification field in Takeout.

4) Copy the confirmation code by highlighting it and hitting CTRL-C.

Verify Code and Transfer

Switch back to your open Google Takeout tab in your browser.

5) Paste the code into the verification field.

6) Click the 'Verify' button.

Once your account is verified you will now be able to start the transfer of files from our WS/FCS Google Drive to your personal Google drive.

7) Click 'Start Transfer'